Thursday, July 28, 2011

Religion and Conflict Resolution: Christianity and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission

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This book examines the ambiguous role that Christianity played in South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It has two objectives: to analyse the role Christianity played in the TRC and to highlight certain consequences that may be instructive to future international conflict resolution processes. Religion and conflict resolution is an area of significant importance. Ongoing conflicts involving Palestinians and Israelis, Muslims and Hindus, and even radical Islamic jihadists and Western countries have heightened the awareness of the potential power of religion to fuel conflict. Yet these religious traditions also promote peace and respect for others as key components in doing justice. Examining the potential role religion can play in generating peace and justice, specifically Christianity in South Africa's TRC, is of utmost importance as religiously inspired violence continues to occur. This book highlights the importance of accounting for religion in international conflict resolution.

Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation in Africa: Issues and Cases Volume 8, Issue 1 Fall 2004. Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation in Africa: Issues and Cases Religion and Conflict Resolution: Christianity and South Africa's ... Religion and Conflict Resolution: Christianity and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Hardcover with jacket. New book showing minor ... Religion and Conflict Resolution: Christianity and South Africa's ... Megan Shore is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, as well as Social Justice and Peace Studies, at King's University College at the University of Western ... Religion and Conflict Case Studies - Berkley Center for Religion ... Berkley Center Interviews "What is the role of faith in your work?" These interviews conducted by Berkley Center faculty ask this fundamental question... Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Religious Perspectives ... Abu-Nimer, Mohammed. "Conflict Resolution, Culture, and Religion: Toward a Training Model of Interreligious Peacebuilding." Journal of Peace Research 38(6) (2001 ... Religion and Conflict Resolution by Megan Shore Religion and Conflict Resolution Christianity and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reconciliation Beyond Intractability In the last few years, reconciliation has become one of the "hottest" topics in the increasingly "hot" field of conflict resolution. It refers to a large number of ... 18 Conflict Resolution Models - Beacon on the Hill Sports Marketing 18 Conflict Resolution /Meditation/Negotiation Models. As before, the models are for use in conflict resolution, to enable the establishing of dialogue ... Reconciliation - Beyond Intractability - More Constructive ... In the last few years, reconciliation has become one of the "hottest" topics in the increasingly "hot" field of conflict resolution. It refers to a large number of ... No Future Without Forgiveness by Desmond Tutu - Reviews ... The establishment of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a pioneering international event. Never had any country sought to move forward from ...